Our projects

Open Museum

Open Museum is an awareness-raising project aimed at making Brussels’ museums structurally more inclusive and participatory.

Open Museum aims to make museums aware of how important it is to make room for the voices of under-represented audiences in their spaces. In order to do so, a structural policy needs to be developed around:

  • the staff employed in the museums
  • the audience engagement of the museums
  • the programming and collection presentations of the museums

Open Museum wants to turn museums into safe spaces where everyone feels welcome, regardless of gender, skin colour, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status, level of education and age.

We are rolling out this project in collaboration with numerous associations that are actively involved in social cohesion. Are you such an association, a potential partner, a museum or do you simply want to know more about the project? Feel free to contact Julie, coordinator of Open Museum.

Visit the website of Open Museum