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Golden Eighties - Chantal Akerman

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Enjoy Golden Eighties on the rooftop terrace of Bozar, in collaboration with Cinematek and the Chantal Akerman Foundation.
Employees and clients of a commercial gallery only live for love; they dream it, proclaim it, sing it and dance it. Experience the encounters, reunions, passions and disappointments of a malicious chorus of girls and a group of idle boys.
Chantal Akerman is a Belgian filmmaker who explored the mundane details of ordinary life with a clear eye and a strong feminist sensibility. She directed over 40 films and created several art installations. Her best-known work is the avant-garde classic Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles (1975). 
Bozar is hosting a major exhibition dedicated to the work of Chantal Akerman, which can be visited until 21 July.