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Bozar All Over the P(a)lace - Nocturne Akerman

  • Exhibitions
The arts take over Bozar every last thursday of the month

The last Bozar All Over the Palace of the season brings together a number of multidisciplinary artists whose work is in its own way reminiscent of Chantal Akerman’s extraordinary oeuvre. For the occasion, Latifa Laâbissi creates an intimate performance directly inspired by the film Jeanne Dielman, 23, Quai du Commerce. Actress Circé Lethem gives voice to Akerman’s lyrics in the exhibition’s archive space, while CHLOE, a day before the official release, unveils her solo ambient album SloMo A/V; an immersive visual sound fresco. The young DJ Sapphist Eye, propelled by the label Lumière Noire founded by Chloé, closes the new edition of nocturnes at Bozar.
Chantal Akerman’s career has left a visible impact on modern cinema. Similarly, composer, producer and DJ Chloé Thévenin - better known as CHLOE - has left a mark on underground electronic music. Today, you can safely call her a pioneer in counterculture. Reminiscent of Akerman’s work, choreographer Latifa Laâbissi s work is shaped by a need for transgression. For her, the stage is a turbulent space to express feelings and discontent.
18:00 – 23:00 Exhibitions: 
Ceci n’est pas une exposition (→ 16 June 24)
James Ensor. Maestro (→ 23 June 24)
Chantal Akerman: Travelling (→ 21 July 24)
18:00 – 19:00 Guided tour in sign language Chantal Akerman. Travelling.
18:15 – 19:00 English guided tour of Chantal Akerman. Traveling by Juline Van Oudenhove.
18:30 & 18:45 & 19:00 & 19:15: Guided tour Ceci n’est pas une exposition’ @ Horta Hall
19:00 & 19:30 Performances by Latifa Laâbissi @ M3
19:15 & 19:45 Reading of Akerman’s texts by Circé Lethem (NL/FR) @ Circuit Royal
20:00 – 21:15 CHLOE - SloMo A/V (release ambient solo album) @ Horta Hall 
21:15 – 22:00 English guided tour of Chantal Akerman. Traveling by Juline Van Oudenhove.
22:00 – 23:45 DJ-set by Saphhist Eye (Lumière Noire) @ Horta Hall