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Regenerative Futures

  • Exhibitions
Both an exhibition and an anniversary, Regenerative Futures invites a constellation of artists and designers to share their visions and experiences in order to create and produce differently — given the depletion of planetary resources — and to benefit future generations Curators: Nathalie Guiot and Yann Chateigné Tytelman

Given the tremendous challenge facing us — namely preserving the habitability of the earth for future generations, how do creators, artists and designers, engage in thinking and practices that reinvent our ways of existing in today’s world?

Co-curated by Nathalie Guiot and Yann Chateigné Tytelman, the exhibition brings together 37 artists and designers to explore new narratives of transition and new ways of conceiving and producing in the face of depleting planetary resources.

In dialogue with works from its collection, the Fondation opens itself to being an experimental and prospective system at the crossroads of art, design and ecology. Each exhibition space of the house – both intimate and conducive to long timelines and events – is organised around a specific theme. It approaches art and design as means of making living matter visible as a field of innovation, and to perpetuate the beauty of knowledge and traditions, the depth of gestures and techniques, in the era of technological hyperconnectivity.

Ecoscenography based on natural and bio-sourced materials conceived by Bento Architecture, Bruxelles 

From Wednesday to Saturday from 12pm to 6pm.
Entrance 5€ / Free* (on presentation of suitable evidence)
* Museum Pass, ICOM members, students, -26, job seekers, SMART members

Commented tour every Wednesday and Saturday at 3 pm. Free entrance every first Saturday of the month.