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Hng Dongji & isimi

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Hong Dongji is a bit like Korean Pulcinella: laughter is never far away, nor is the absurd, nor are fights. Confronting others is always confronting yourself, making mistakes and laughing at fate’s tricks. Accompanied by traditional Korean music. For ages 4-5 and up. As part of the Korean Focus

A theatre of hand puppets, Korean Pulcinella… Laughter awaits the actions of the puppets who, faced with trials and battles, show unprecedented courage and defeat all their enemies.
The show is accompanied by traditional musical instruments. Performed in Korean and without words. 45′, 4+, part of the JEM Festival’s Focus on South Korea. 8 euros (children)/ 10 euros (adults). Pass 2÷3÷4 shows available.
With the support of the South Korean theatre foundation KMAS and the Korean Cultural Centre in Brussels,
du Rayonnement de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, de l’Image de Bruxelles, de la Cocof, de la Loterie Nationale,