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Belgian Railways: a regional, national and international role (FR/NL)

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The presentation on this anniversary will focus on the reasons for the rapid emergence of railways in Belgium, which were the first on the continent. It will stress their major role in the country’s development and highlight several aspects of railway development: technical, with regard to social life and in the international dimension of our railways.

Today’s presentation, on the 188th anniversary of our railways, will begin with the birth of this new mode of transport at the very beginning of the 19th century. 

The lecture will then focus on the reasons for the rapid emergence of railways in Belgium, which were the first on the continent. There will also be an emphasis on their major role in the industrial and economic development of the country and its regions, taking the example of the Entre-Sambre-et-Meuse region.

It will then travel from the 19th century to the present day, highlighting several aspects of the rich history of our railways and their profound transformations over time.
The presentation will show the respective roles of the State and private companies, with several important examples, such as foreign interventions and Belgian political reactions, leading to the policy of buying private lines. It will also cover a number of important technical developments in several areas, including traction, comfort and safety.

It will recall the profound changes that followed the Second World War, such as the contraction of the network following the rise of road traffic, and the end of coal mining and heavy industry, which drastically reduced the transport of goods by rail.
However, it will not fail to underline the contribution of TEE, then high-speed rail, not forgetting the rise of container rail transport on a European scale. These dynamics led to the rediscovery of the environmental advantages of railways and, consequently, to major reinvestments, in order to meet the challenges of climate change.

A vast railway panorama will therefore be offered as a gift on 5 May.